Along the great Internet search for publishing opps. we are bound to meet some scam artists looking for some ripe victims in need of positive feedback at any cost (yep...they don't care about your work; they just want your cash).
Copyright Registration Service (NOT!)
One of the most nefarious scamps I've encountered is Copyright Registration Service (CRS). They claim to internationally register the copyright of your work online-for a fee of course.
They LOOK legit (fooled me into posting it on my Seawoman's Caribbean Writing Opps. site) but when I learnt more about Reproduction Rights Organisations or RROs (nothing to do with pregnancy-repography in its various forms), I realised that I didn't see any reference to IFRRO or the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). Thanks to Access Copyright in Canada, the mentoring RRO of the Barbados Copyright Agency, Inc. (B-COPY), I discovered it was a fraud.
However, there was an endorsement logo of the Intellectual Property Rights Office (Who the hell are they?) that turned out to be...guess what? A sham too.
When you dig further, you'll realize it's hard to find a contact address or even telephone number. Pretty suspicious, if someone wants your money. I even tried to find it in Google or Acronym Finder; no luck.
POETRY.COM- The Mother of All Poetry ScamsI hope you are familiar with one of the big ones POETRY.COM (pops up everywhere). They also go by:
- The National Library of Poetry
- International Library of Poetry
- Watermark Press
- International Society of Poets
A bona fide or prestigious journal or anthology (like POUI: The Cave Hill Literary Annual or CALABASH: A Caribbean Journal of Arts & Letters) DOES NOT ask the contributors to buy their first copy (in which their work appears)!
But would any self-respecting poetry contest or organization advertise in the National Enquirer (watch this ad on Youtube) like they do?
So, if in doubt, check it out with someone else in your wrting circle. They just might be able to help you. Meanwhile,check out the following:
Check it out for yourself
WATCH and Poetry Scam on Youtube. Very enlightening!
Excerpt from ABC's 20/20 News Magazine TV program script-Jan 5, 1998
Getting The Scoop On Poetry Scams by Linda A. Dewey
Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America's ALERTS FOR WRITERS
Writer's Weekly ezine's Whispers And Warnings Forum
Ask yourself:
- Is it difficult to find an address or contact name?
- Do I have to purchase a copy of the book in which my work appears?
- Are they giving you promises of everything (including huge cash awards) for nothing?
- Do they have criteria for assessing the work?
- Are they flattering you (without even seeing your work?)
- Is it affiliated with a suspicious looking organisation?
Copyright (C) Sandra Sealy, 2008

Poetry Scam
There's a poetry scam on the internet entered It once, for a bet.
They mailed back quicker than rsvp exclaiming I'd won, huh who me?
Sent them one back, in the form of a Re: How Can This Be
Your the best as others agree, now in a book we published free
I mailed in haste, this time a ReRe: OmG Let Me See!
They mailed me back asap, of course just pay the fee.
Mailed them back, this time WTF: Free For A Buck?
I soon got one back, this time a Re: Free
Explaining the charges applied to a bonus recital cd!
For the last time I mailed, and finally Re: WTF Buck Listen To Me!
I don't want your book or damn recital cd not even a taster
Including for free!
Hey Seawoman,
Thought you might enjoy the topic of the poem, cool post making people aware of the various poetry scams around!
Dear PPS aka Peter:
Thanks VERY much for your comments interestingly arranged in a poem.
We need to let others know what's going on.
BTW How did you find my blog? Please check out Seawoman's Caribbean Writing Opps.( I'm sure you'll find something of interest there.
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